Top 3 Ways Managers Earn Their Team’s Respect

Good managers don’t just build a team, they build a family.  They carefully choose each team member to complement the others, and then lead them to success.  It is leadership like this that earns the respect of the team.

Create a Family Atmosphere

Your team will most likely spend more of their waking time at the office than with their own family.  For some, this is a no brainer.  For others, for instance a new parent, it might be a little more difficult.  By making your team members feel included, it will ease some of the reality.  Team members who do not feel they are part of a team tend to have reduced productivity and find excuses to call off.  This creates problems at the office and affects their well-being.  Create a “work family” and help them find balance.

As your work family grows closer, they will start to perform better.  They will be there for each other and be more likely to work as a team.  This will lead to better performance and better their chances for success.

Continuing Education

Do I have to go to school?  We have all whined that at some point in our lives.  The fact is, you should never stop learning, and neither should your team.  Keep your team up on the latest in their field by continually offering training.  Many team members complain about having to go through more training, but research has shown that employees who feel challenged perform better than those who don’t.

In addition to on-the-job training, consider having your team participate in continuing education classes.  This is another way to show you care about them and their future. It is also a great way to keep them engaged.  Your participation in these classes adds yet another level of respect and is a great way for you to stay sharp and on top of your game.

Be a Mentor

Everyone wants to feel their contribution matters and they are a valuable part of the team.  If they do not feel valued, they may feel threatened.  This will lead to a poor attitude and poor performance.  Take the time to recognize their progress and accomplishments.  As you build their confidence, you will see a change in their performance.

Keep your team aware of any possible openings within your company, and make sure they are ready for the advancement.  It is one thing to feel confident, and it is another to be confident.  Make it a priority to build your team’s confidence, both individually among team members and as a whole.

As a manager, continually strengthen your work family, place learning at the top of your list, and be the mentor they never had.  Be brave and try one new thing each day and share it with your team, encouraging them to do the same.  You lead by example, and you will be producing the next set of successful managers.

Top 3 Ways Managers Inspire Their Teams

There are countless ways to inspire your team.  However, I have listed what most would agree are the top three ways:

Lead by Example

There was a pastor of a large church in the greater Phoenix area and at a particular service he was asking (not telling, simply asking) his congregation to consider donating the shoes they were wearing, as the church was going to bring them to those less fortunate.  While it can be argued that those people may not need a pair of heels or fashion boots, that was not the lesson.  There were five services, and hundreds of people walked out of those services barefoot or in socks.  The pastor gave away five pairs of shoes that weekend.  Talk about leading by example! As a manager, this is the number one thing you can do to establish trust with your team.  Anything you expect them to do – you better be leading the charge.  Your team should never question your work ethic or loyalty.  If they do, you risk a loss of productivity.  Lead with authority, not fear, and you will earn, and keep, their respect.

Be a Coach

Once your team has the tools needed to succeed, they need to know you are available if they need you. Have an open-door policy and be approachable.  Listen to your team’s concerns, as well as any ideas they may have.  They are on the front lines, so to speak, and can often provide you with valuable insight.

Treat every opportunity as a coaching moment.  When an employee does something wrong, show them how they can do it better.  You will increase their confidence, resulting in increased productivity and a more satisfied employee.  When their performance is worthy, recognize it. A simple thank you is fine; if they went up and beyond, perhaps a gift card or certificate.  Positive reinforcement can be one of the most effective leadership tools.

Be Human

Learn about the members of your team.  What are their interests?  Are they from the area?  You do not have to get overly personal but let them know you understand they have a life outside of work.  Getting to know them, and opening yourself up a bit, lets them know you are not just their manager, but a human like them.

Every manager wants to be a great leader, but you have to be willing to put in the time and effort it takes.  Be the example, coach them through the rough times, and show a little human kindness.  So, unlock that office door, invite your team in, and watch the morale sky rocket.

3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Team’s Productivity

As a manager, continually find ways to improve your team’s productivity.  Let’s start with three quick and inexpensive options:

Let the Music Play

Your employees likely spend much of their time in front of a computer in the course of an 8+ hour day.  Tasks which are redundant, especially in front of a screen, cause boredom and a loss of focus.  Studies have shown that music makes repetitive tasks, which require little concentration, more tolerable.  This helps the day go faster and work seems less like a four-letter word.  Implement music in your work place and you will see a happier, more productive team.  Projects will be completed in a more timely fashion, resulting in reduced overtime and overall savings.  This works in a variety of scenarios so be brave and turn the music up!

What Should You Play?

Music allows an escape from the mundane, while masking a noisy work place – as in a factory.  In an office environment, music can serve as ambient noise.  Keep in mind that lyrics can add distraction at the office, so consider instrumental or classical music.  This will allow your team to stay focused, while being more productive.

Let the Sun Shine In

Lighting plays a major role in your team’s physical and mental well-being, and it has been proven people feel better under specific lighting.  Therefore, there is a connection between light and productivity, and cooler light will make your team more productive.  Natural light is the best and will improve one’s overall mood and energy.

If you are lucky enough to scout out your office space, always opt for more windows, especially where a majority of work will be done.  The more windows the better.  Even if there is a higher cost, you will make it up in the increase in productivity.  If you are in an existing location, consider blue enriched light bulbs.  They increase performance while reducing fatigue, both contributing to a healthy bottom line.

Make it Pleasant to Breathe In

All senses affect memory; however, the sense of smell is the strongest.  It is even stronger than sight.  We associate smell with locations and even people and can instantly be taken back in time.  Ever smell a freshly baked apple pie and you are transported to Grandma’s kitchen on Thanksgiving?  Your mood is also affected by your sense of smell.   Ever wonder why realtors bring cookies to a showing?  Yep, to get you in the mood to make a deal.  The aroma of coffee has the ability to reduce your perception of time, causing you to browse a little longer.  Even baby powder can prolong your perception.

Some scents can make you more alert, and therefore, more productive.  Studies have shown that diffusing lemon oil into an office can increase productivity by over 50%.  Before you start filling your office with eucalyptus and ginger, check with your team for any allergies or aversions.  Then find something that works and implement it.

In Closing…

Keep your team happy and productive with an office that is filled with good music, great lighting, and pleasant scents, and watch their productivity rise.  You will also notice a decrease in turnover due to the rise in their happiness.  And it may not be a bad idea to bake some cookies, too!