Create Your Own Future

Determine your goals, create a plan of action.  P-L-A-N. Lack of planning is the number one reason people fall short of their goals.  Are you seeking a promotion?  It is not going to fall in your lap – you must prepare for it.  Take time to prepare yourself and give your boss a reason to promote you.

When in Doubt… Don’t

Doubt may be a natural tendency, but it is a roadblock.  Push past the feeling and follow your plan, which should include a schedule and a timeline.  By following this, you will be focused and less distracted by doubt.  Each day will bring its own challenges, so the emphasis should be on today.  Complete small tasks each day toward your greater goal.  It will not be long before you have achieved what you set out to do.

The More You Know…

You have heard the knowledge is power, right?  Never stop learning.  This can’t be stressed enough.  Whether it is industry-related books, seminars, or online classes – anything you can watch, read, see, or do that will keep you ahead of the curve – do it. Become obsessed with your occupation and all it entails, and that obsession will lead to expertise.

Keep Building Your Personal Brand

Who you are and what you have to offer changes constantly.  Anytime you learn a new skill you are now more marketable than before.  Keep your resume updated and add a new accomplishment or skill each time you acquire it.  Keep your business profiles current so you are ready for any opportunity which may come your way. Develop a plan to elevate yourself to the next level and stick to it.  Do something which sets you apart from your colleagues, e.g.  publishing a paper, writing an article, etc.  If you have the time, create a blog, podcast, or a video series.  Build a social media following and prove yourself as an expert in your field.

You Got This

You have the power to determine the direction of your life.  Surround yourself with the right people by networking constantly.  Have a presence both online and offline.  Develop your elevator speech and be prepared to use it when the opportunity presents itself.  Preparation is the foundation of confidence and confidence, along with a positive attitude, will build your network.  And a strong network is the key to a great future.

Are You A Good Manager?

As a manager, you regularly evaluate your team’s performance, but do you ever stop to think about your own?  Their performance is a direct reflection of yours, after all.  Maintaining your role as leader, not friend, will go far in helping you be looked upon with respect.  It is difficult to be an effective manager if you are spending time outside of work with your employees.

Nobody Likes Me!

Being a manager is much more than being likeable.  Your ability to communicate to your team and give them clear instructions is vital.  These skills do not come from being buddy-buddy.  You will need to work on how you communicate so your team understands you from the get go.  Ensure they know what you are looking for and what you expect of them.   Make sure they know that if they are unclear about anything they have your full support and you will clarify.

Be Constructive in Your Criticism

As your team works through their projects, give them regular feedback.  Be careful you do not just tell them what they have done wrong, but work with them on how it should be adjusted.  This will help them learn and they will be able to apply that lesson in the future.  It is important to give them the space to work and try different options without fear of criticism.

Stay Involved, But Not Too Involved

Stay involved with your team, but do not micromanage them.  Remain open-minded and listen to their ideas.  Your team often sees things from a different point of view, and they may have some good contributions.  However, if you do not choose to use their suggestions, let them know why.  This will assure them you appreciate their input; it just was not right for that particular situation.

Trust is Key

A good manager puts full trust in their team.  Allow your team to manage their own time and prioritize their tasks.  If they are successfully completing their projects and meeting their deadlines, you look good and they feel great.

Get to Know Your Team

Every team member is different, and they react differently.  Some may need ongoing encouragement, while others just need to be given the assignment and let loose. Get to know each team member’s nuances and guide them to a successful outcome.  Do not be afraid to raise your expectations so your team elevates themselves to excellence. Just be careful you do not set unrealistic goals, or they will be disappointed if they are unable to achieve your lofty ideals.

Be Willing to Adjust

Things will not always go as planned so be able to adjust – plan on the fly.  Address your team’s performance, if necessary, but never turn away from the challenges.  Face them and get your team back on track.  And through it all, treat your team with respect.  Be grateful and they will give you their all – making them look good and you look great.

5 Functions Of Management

Teams need a manager to succeed and management roles grow and change constantly.  What exactly is management?  It is the ability to accomplish goals in the most efficient way, leading to growth and profit within the company.  Balancing time and money is the key to effective management.  Here are a few key ideas to get you on the right track to being a great manager:


This is the foundation of management and the key to your success.  In this stage you determine what needs to be done and how you will do it, essentially how you will get from point A to point B.  Assess your team and their strengths and determine which role they will best fit in. Utilize your problem-solving skills and be systematic when utilizing your assets.  If the goal is to increase profit, then consider developing your team, cutting expenses, and improving your product.  Each project will be different, so each plan will be different.  Planning will save you money and time down the road.


If planning is the foundation of management, then organization is the framework.  Focusing on your mission is difficult if you lack organization.  Find your style of being organized, then get the tools you need and move forward.  Consider your needs – physical, financial, and human resources – and decide how you can utilize various approaches to reach your goals.


How big of a team will you need and how will you find them?  Is it worth it to hire a recruiter or will you take this task on yourself?  Consider these options when staffing.  If the positions require specific licensing or training, will you require they have it upon hiring, or within a specific time period?  Will you be flexible on education requirements if they have experience?  As the manager, decide how you will handle situations so when the time comes you know exactly which direction to go.


Communication is the most important aspect of management and the key to directing.  You will direct your team which means you will guide them along the right path.  Think of a movie director who is behind the camera, watching as the actor’s scene unfolds before him.  “Cut!” He calls as he realizes the lighting is off or the delivery is wrong.  His job is not to make the actors feel badly, it is to make the scene be better.  As a manager you will have to direct your team.  When you see something heading in the wrong direction, you stop the action and make corrections. And just like a movie director, you tell your team what you need from them to make the project succeed, then you help them develop that skill.  Management is leadership, as well as supervision.  Be a mentor and work beside your team, meeting with them regularly and expressing your expectations clearly.


This is where you marry performance with the goal.  The purpose is to meet the standards and correct the deviations.  Create a performance level, or standard, that you expect to be reached.  As milestones are reached, measure the performance against the standard, and take any corrective actions.

There are many other functions of management, but these are the building blocks.  Keep your goals in front of you at all times, always ready to make adjustments as necessary.  Be a confident leader and move forward in management with the notion that you will be a success.