Does Your Team Face Challenges?

As a manager you will face fires on a daily basis, and how you handle them will set you apart as a manager. Will you choose to be reactive or proactive?

Don’t Play the Blame Game

When things go wrong, many people will look for someone to blame. Do not let them come down on your team.  As the leader, you are the voice that will defend your team. Be prepared to face other managers or even your client, but make sure you are armed with facts.  Denying fault is worthless if you are without facts to back it up.  The best thing to do is to acknowledge a mistake was made and begin finding a solution.  This is taking a proactive approach and is the mark of a good leader.

Keep Calm and Carry On

It will be in the moments of pressure when you will have an opportunity to shine as a manager.  One of the all-time greatest NFL quarterbacks is Tom Brady.  Brady has helped his teams to 34 fourth-quarter come-from-behind victories to date.  How does he do this? By remaining calm and in control.  By never letting them see him sweat, so to speak.  In business, you have to have your game face on.  Stay calm and be prepared.  The more prepared you are, the more likely you will achieve victory.  Take the time to gather facts, review them with your team, and listen to each other.

No Need to Point Things Out

If you know that you are right, give the other person time to speak.  In most cases, as they talk it out, they will see the light.  This reinforces your position as a team player. However, if there is no solution in sight, step in and present the facts that support your solution.  Using your guidance, they may begin to head in the right direction and eventually discover the solution.

It Was Me!

Take ownership of your mistakes and do not waste time trying to defend them.  If you want a team that practices responsibility, then set the example.  Making excuses leads to loss of respect.  Step back, assess the situation, and begin your quest for resolution. Most importantly, you need to realize that ignoring an issue will not make it go away.  You must face it head on.  Remember, it is business, it is not personal.  So, do not react, be proactive!

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