Top 3 Things That Your Team Expects Of You

As a manager you will have a team of employees that work for you, but will they want to?  Team members come and go – it is the nature of the management beast. Sometimes they move up, sometimes they make lateral moves, and sometimes they just leave.  When an employee leaves, you may not be able to do anything about it, but you can learn from it.  Are they leaving because of you? Before you have to answer this question, take a look at the top 3 things your team will expect of you.


Communication is the foundation of a great relationship, and it is no different in business.  Your team needs to know exactly what you expect of them.  Without communication, your team is unable to meet the goals you have set.  Whether it be a short verbal interaction, an email, or a note you leave on their desk, maintain an open line of communication.  Also, let them know you are receptive to their ideas and comments.


There is nothing worse than not having the proper tools to do a job.  Okay, maybe having the tools, and not having the training to use the tools is a little worse.  Your team needs to be adequately trained to perform their jobs effectively.  How can you expect your team to be productive if they are trying to learn the tools and the process?


Every team member can agree: it is great to be recognized for the work they do.  They want to know that what they do matters and is truly contributing to the success of the team.  In most cases, a sincere “thank you” is all it takes; this is a powerful statement.

Put yourself in the shoes of your team members and see yourself from their point of view.  Would YOU want to work for YOU?  Do you communicate effectively and provide the training needed for success?  Are you slow to offer recognition or praise a job well done?  Most importantly – are you a leader?  Be who you would expect a leader to be, and your team will be missing nothing with you as theirs.

3 Quick Ways To Become A Better Manager

Yes, you are a manager, but that does not mean you stop developing yourself.  Never stop learning.  Read a book, take a class, meet with a mentor – just never stop learning.  Find groups to join and attend networking events.

Develop Your Soft Skills

Take time to develop your emotional intelligence; this leads to working better under pressure.  Make an effort to work well with others and invite feedback.  Practice active listening and be transparent.  Your team’s success will depend on them knowing what you expect. Acknowledge your team regularly and take the time to say, ‘thank you’.


Introduce yourself to other departments in your company.  Get to know a variety of people and take the time to understand their role.  Ask them if there is anything you can do for them.  The more people you know, the more power you will have.  Apply the same principle outside your company.  Get to know the leaders in your industry, attend events, and keep an open mind.

Create Your Social Network

There is power in social media and you should take full advantage of it.  There are plenty of ways to network online and develop professional relationships.  Search for leaders in your industry, learn from them, and reach out to them.  This is a great way to meet new people in your industry; it is also a great way to display your skills and build your credibility.

Set aside time every day to develop your skills, network, and market yourself.  The more you learn, the more powerful you will become.  The same goes for building your network, so take the time to attend events.  Lastly, realize that social media is not just for cat videos.  Use it to its fullest, build your brand, and watch your career take off.

3 Quick Ways To Motivate Your Team

There is definitely a difference between motivation and intimidation.  “You can do it!” and “Do it or you’re fired!” are at opposite ends of the spectrum. We all need a little motivation now and then.  As a manager, motivating your team is an important part of your job.  By being positive, even when you have goals which are difficult, your team will also remain positive.  Here are three ways to motivate your team when the going gets tough:

Take Responsibility

There is a scene in the movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey, well, watch the clip here.  After his son makes a birthday wish that his dad could only tell the truth – oy vey! This is a rather comedic look at taking responsibility, but it makes a great point: do not shift blame.  If you made a mistake, own up to it.  By doing this you are teaching your team that everyone is human, even management.  It is not the mistake that will have the most impact; it is what is learned from it.  Once you identify a mistake, make a plan to fix it and take action.


Remember that a manager is a leader first, and a manager second.  Your team should never doubt you are in the trenches with them, and together you can reach your goals.  Jump right in and get your hands dirty.  Ask them how you can help then be available.  This will not only show them you believe the goals are possible, but it will earn their respect as well.


Take the time to explain the goals to your team and why they were set.  Then cut the cord and let them do their job.  The most empowering act you can bestow upon your team is that of autonomy.  Give your team the tools and training needed to do their job then watch the magic unfold.

Take responsibility for your actions, assist your team, and be their biggest advocate. You will have a happier, more productive team.  The more vested you are in them, the more vested they will become in you.  And this is the recipe for a winning team.