3 Big Reasons For Employee Turnover

Managers continuously complain about turnover, and always have an excuse why they are experiencing it.  However, more often than not, the managers themselves are to blame.  The primary role of managers is to manage people, yet many refuse that responsibility.  Remember, people rarely leave jobs; they leave managers.  Here are 3 big reasons for employee turnover.


This is important in regard to getting the job done, but also to the quality of life for your team.  When working on a schedule, consider them as a person not just an employee. When assigning days off make every effort to be considerate and give them two days in a row.  This will ensure they are not bouncing around between shifts.


“Hi!  I want to work for free!”  Said no employee EVER.  Payroll is just as important, if not more so than the schedule.  If this is not your forte, hire someone to do it or to train you how to do it.  This needs to be submitted correctly the first time, every time.  There is nothing worse than messing up an employee’s pay check.  Any time an error occurs, address it immediately and take action to correct it.


Everyone wants to feel valued and have the opportunity to move up.  A team member who feels like they are in a dead-end position will likely start looking for another job.

Talk to each of your team members; ask them what their goals are.  Let them know that you are there for them and will help them along the way.

Minimizing turnover is essential in any industry, so you should take any step you can to keep it under control.  Work with your team when making the schedule, review the payroll before turning it in, and be the mentor that your team needs.  This will keep them engaged and appreciative, which will keep them loyal.

3 Quick Ways To Build Your Brand

Nike, Under Armor, Jet Blue… these are all brands.  Well, guess what?  You are a brand, too!  And in today’ fast-paced world, building that brand is imperative to success. Consider all of the ways your colleagues, or members of industry, and find out about you – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – the list goes on.  Here are 3 quick ways that you can build your brand.

Set Your Goal

This is by far the most important step.  Know where you are going, or you will never get there.  Think about how you want others to see you in business then build on that. Everyone has a niche; find yours and develop it.  Obsession leads to expertise, so be prepared to work hard.  It will not take long before you become an expert.

Assess Your Reputation

“There is no such thing as bad publicity…”  said Brendan Behan.  What everyone omits is the end of that quote which is “… except your own obituary.”  Let me assure you, there is bad publicity and you could be writing your own business obituary if you are in the middle of it. Google yourself.  I love saying that but, seriously, do a little research on yourself.  Find out if there is any information out there already.  In most cases you will find that there is very little out there about you, which is probably a good thing.


Traditional networking and online marketing are both crucial to the development of your brand.  Be your own champion.  This is even more important during the earlier steps, when no one knows who you are.  Attend networking events, both on and offline. Connect whenever possible and work on remembering those you have met before. Create professional profiles and post regularly, sharing engaging content related to your field.  Show your industry that you are an expert and you came to play.

After you build up the foundation of your brand, you will only need to spend a little bit of time a day developing it.  Before long, you will be well known in your industry, and your career will skyrocket.  Set your goals, do a little research, and network… Network… Network!

3 Quick Ways To Motivate Yourself

The word “motivation” comes from the Latin word “movere”, which means “to stir or move”.  We experience motivation when an emotion or desire drives us enough to bring about the results of any goal or accomplishment.  And let’s face it, we all need motivation from time to time.  Maybe you’re stuck in a rut, or you might have a lot on your plate.  Either way you need to snap out of it and get back on track.  Okay, it’s easier said than done.  How can you be expected to just snap out of it?  You can’t wave your magic wand, but you can start a cycle that will push you along and keep you on the right track.  Here are 3 quick ways to start that cycle and motivate yourself.

Learn Something New

You will naturally feel a sense of accomplishment when you learn something new.  This will not only make you feel better, but it will boost your value in the eyes of your company.  Taking initiative to become more proficient at a skill, or the expansion your knowledge base, shows that you care not only about your personal success, but the success of the company.  Any time you do which ultimately benefits your employer, your value increases.  You can take a simple online class, attend a seminar, or even attend a webinar if you can’t afford to leave the office.  Some employers will even offer to pay for such courses, which is a great motivator (there’s that word again!) to attend.  Then showcase your accomplishments on your resume, or professional profiles.

Push Your Limits

I attended a seminar where speaker asked everyone to stand and reach as high as we could.  Then he said, “Now stretch another inch.”  Guess what?  We all could.  We were challenged to reach up our highest the first time yet were all able to reach up just a little bit more.  Never stop challenging yourself and reaching for a little more.  You might feel intimidated when facing a new project.  Face it head on.  Afraid of going outside your comfort zone?  Feeling uncomfortable shouldn’t damper your enthusiasm.  In fact, that sense you get when you think you have hit a brick wall is sometimes exactly what you need to push you past your limit and give you that breakthrough moment.  Rely on your team; realize everyone needs help now and again.  By showing you’re willing to take on any challenge, you encourage those around you to do the same.

Don’t Worry About What Others Think of You

In today’s world of never-ending judgment, this may seem impossible.  Just be yourself, and stand for what you believe in.  Voice your opinion, even if it does not align with other members of your team.  If you believe your ideas truly represent what is best for the company, gather evidence and information to support them and present them.  They may not always be chosen but showing that you put thought into such notions speaks volumes.  In the words of Polonius: “To thine own self be true”.
