3 Quick Ways To Increase Retention

As a manager, your turnover rate will be watched.  Retaining employees is your responsibility in more ways than you might realize.  Employees tend to leave their managers, not their jobs.  This means someone will work a job they hate with a manager they respect before they stay in their dream job with an unqualified manager.  As you develop your leadership skills, you will realize that it is possible for employees to love their job and respect you as a manager.  You will also see your retention rate increase, right along with productivity.  Here are 3 quick ways to get on track with both:


Your passion as a manager must be contagious.  This does not mean you stand in your office and fist pump yelling “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” like this guy.  It does mean you have a vision and you believe in what you are doing.  When your team sees you working toward a goal with verve, they will want to be a part of it.  Enthusiasm is catchy (think of sporting events and how just a small section starting a chant can spread through the entire arena).  This will lead to greater productivity and a better chance of reaching your overall goals.  A team who is confident in their skill set and knowledge is a team that succeeds.  As a manager, be consistent in educating and training your team, and help them elevate their success.


There are very few people who do not like to be told they did a good job.  Acknowledge your team and their accomplishments.  In terms of building morale, this is one of the best things you can do.  A simple ‘thank you’ goes a long way so say it.  A manager I know used to thank her employees each evening when they left.  During the day, they knew it was ‘go’ time and the work needed to get done, but at the end of every day she took a moment and thanked them for a job well done.  If there was something specific she would mention it, but they left work each day knowing they were appreciated.  This is especially important if your employees had a bad day.  You can take it a step farther and reward your team with trophies, plaques, or certificates, or have an “Employee of the Month”.  If you choose a tangible reward, present it in front of their peers.  This will make the employee feel good and create a sense of healthy competition among their co-workers.

Create Opportunities

You had dreams of advancing in your job, so chances are members of your team do, too.  Be proactive in developing your team and helping them reach their goals. Many managers lack in this area because they think if they create a great employee that employee will take what they know and go somewhere else.  While it may seem counter intuitive, mentoring them to greatness will create loyalty. One day they may outgrow their position and want to pursue other goals, but it will be for personal growth, not because you were an inadequate manager.

As a leader, strive to earn your team’s respect and promote their development.  Set clear, obtainable goals, provide positive feedback, and guide them every step of the way.  Then watch the productivity and retention increase, along with the team morale.

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